
Enhancing Abstraction in App Inventor with Generic Event Handlers

Published in IEEE Blocks and Beyond Workshop, 2019

This paper outlines improvements to the blocks programming language MIT App Inventor made based on observations from analyses of previous work.

Recommended citation (bib): Patton, Evan, Seo, Audrey, and Turbak, Franklyn. (2019). "Enhancing Abstraction in App Inventor with Generic Event Handlers." IEEE Blocks and Beyond Workshop.

Abstractionless Programming in App Inventor

Published in ACM SPLASH BLOCKS+ Workshop, 2018

In this paper, an analysis shows that many of the opportunities for abstraction involve a difficult concept in App Inventor, generics. We make the hypothesis that this is the main reason for App Inventor programmers’ lack of abstractions, and recommend that more work be done to teach App Inventor programmers about generics.

Recommended citation (bib): Seo, Audrey. (2018). "Abstractionless Programming in App Inventor." ACM SPLASH BLOCKS+.